You decided to bring your bird watching to a new level and implement a few tools that will help you track and process the data.
You have chosen to store the data as a list of integers. The first number in the list is the number of birds that visited your garden today, the second yesterday, and so on.
Implement the function. It should take a list of daily bird counts and return today's count. If the list is empty, it should return nil.
Implement the BirdCount.increment_day_count/1 function. It should take a list of daily bird counts and increment the today's count by 1. If the list is empty, return [1].
Implement the BirdCount.has_day_without_birds?/1 function. It should take a list of daily bird counts. It should return true if there was at least one day when no birds visited the garden, and false otherwise.
Implement the function. It should take a list of daily bird counts and return the total number that visited your garden since you started collecting the data.
Some days are busier than others. A busy day is one where five or more birds have visited your garden.
Implement the BirdCount.busy_days/1 function. It should take a list of daily bird counts and return the number of busy days.
defmodule BirdCount do
def today([]), do: nil
def today(list) do
hd list
def increment_day_count([]), do: [1]
def increment_day_count(list) do
result = list
|> today
|> Kernel.+(1)
[result | tl list]
def has_day_without_birds?([]), do: false
def has_day_without_birds?([head | tail]) do
case head do
0 -> true
_ -> has_day_without_birds? tail
def total([]), do: 0
def total([head | tail]) do
head + total tail
def busy_days([]), do: 0
def busy_days([head | tail]) do
if head >= 5, do: 1 + busy_days(tail), else: busy_days(tail)
# if head >= 5 do
# 1 + busy_days tail
# else
# busy_days tail
# end
# cond do
# head >= 5 -> 1 + busy_days tail
# head < 5 -> busy_days tail
# end